Having an estate plan is one of those things that people are told is important. However, there are many people who do not fully understand what estate planning is and how it can be valuable in Florida or in any other state. The goal of estate planning can vary with each person; however, the essential purpose of planning an estate is simply to ensure one’s assets are properly distributed as one wishes.

One of the most common aims of estate planning is minimizing taxes which may be imposed during a transfer of assets to intended heirs. This can be quite valuable to people of all income levels. In some cases all estate taxes may be eliminated through making the right decisions in planning an estate. Trusts are some of the most common tools used to minimize estate tax liabilities.

Although there are numerous sophisticated tools and strategies available, many experts warn against using complicated estate planning strategies. Many times basic estate planning strategies include simple trusts and traditional life insurance, which for many, including affluent individuals, is enough to effectively minimize tax liabilities. However, depending upon the particular estate planning goals and what types of assets are owned, sometimes a more sophisticated approach is needed. Therefore, one should be sure to be fully informed of the legal ramifications of each decision when planning an estate.

Estate planning is mainly implemented through the use of documents and contracts. It is essential to ensure documents are carefully drafted and executed. A mistake can result in an estate planning document, such as a will or trust, being challenged in probate court, which could cause assets to be distributed in a way which could be contrary to one’s wishes. In some cases, intended heirs in Florida may be left with nothing.