Social media has been one of the most influential developments as of late. One would be hard pressed to find a person who does not have a social media account in Florida or in any other state. This is why social media and other digital assets are now an important part of planning for estate administration. However, it is also one of the most commonly neglected aspects of estate planning.

In the past, family members of a person who had recently passed away were instructed to check the decedent’s mail for any financial statements or other important information. However, nowadays much of that information does not come in the mail but instead is delivered to one’s email inbox. Therefore, a good estate plan should ensure that one’s loved ones will be able to access important online accounts.

Many social media and Internet companies have recognized this issue and have taken some measures to help family members of a recent decedent. Facebook regularly works with immediate family members even when they do not have the correct password for the decedent’s account. Other social media sites and Internet companies will do the same; however, each one has its own unique policies.

On the other hand, if one does take social media and other Internet accounts into consideration when planning for estate administration, one’s loved ones will be saved the trouble of having to deal with Facebook or any other company to obtain access. This could save significant time for family members and allow them to concentrate on other aspects of distributing one’s estate. However, it is important to not procrastinate in estate planning since one never knows when something unfortunate could happen in Florida or any other state.