Pet Trusts Acknowledge Loving Companionship

Animal lovers know what it means to say that their pets are part of the family. There is a special bond that is formed between animals and their owners. It doesn’t matter if it’s a dog, a cat, or even a snake. The reality is that these pets are special to their masters and so […]

Trust Planning For Pets Becoming More Common

People may chuckle whenever they read a headline about a multibillionaire deciding to leave their entire estate to their beloved dog or cat. But the truth is, trust planning for pets is becoming more and more common; particularly in Florida, where there is a significant elder population that enjoys the companionship that a pet can […]

Pet Trusts: Ensuring Beloved Pets Have A Home

Many people in Florida and elsewhere consider their pets to be members of the family. Pet owners often want to know that their furry, loved ones will be taken care of after they are gone. Commonly, pet owners ask a trusted person to care of their pet, but sometimes the caretaker changes his or her […]

Florida Pet Trusts Not Just For Eccentric Millionaires

For some Florida residents, pets are considered a part of the family. As such, it is important for them to be included in long-term and estate plans. After one woman’s divorce, she began to think about what would happen to her beloved pets once she was gone and decided to look into pet trusts. She […]