Considerations When Writing Wills

Old Wills

Some Florida residents have the misconception that writing a will is unnecessary unless they are wealthy. This is in most cases not true, and people may benefit from having one in place no matter the size of their estates. Having a valid will can ensure that the testator’s assets are distributed to the intended beneficiaries […]

How To Tell If A Florida Will Is Out Of Date

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Although estate planning documents may still be valid, they may not meet an individual’s needs beyond a certain date. Those who follow estate planning trends say that if a will was created over 10 to 15 years ago, it may be worthwhile to review and update it. For instance, wills created before April 2003 may […]

Holographic Wills: Requirements To Be Valid

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A holographic will is a will that has been entirely written and signed in the handwriting of the testator, who is the person who makes the will. While some states consider holographic wills to be valid, Florida does not unless the will meets certain requirements. Under Florida law, a holographic will is valid if it […]

What Happens To Your Florida Estate If You Die Without A Will?

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There are many reasons why a person may die without a will. One of the most common is that no one wants to face their mortality and it is hard to avoid that if you are planning what happens with your estate when you die. Another is that you don’t think your estate has enough […]

Common Grounds For Will Contests In Florida

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One of the challenges associated with wills is to create a document that will accomplish the stated wishes of its maker who is formally known as the “testator.” A will must clearly convey the thoughts and wishes of the testator who will not be around when the document is offered for probate to explain what […]

What Is The Purpose Of A Florida Living Will?

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A concern shared by many Palm Beach County residents is to be able to control decisions about the health care they receive and end-of-life decisions in the event they are unable to make them for themselves. State assists them by recognizing the right of a person to prepare a written declaration in which they appoint […]

Will Planning For Elder Gay Couples

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When the Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage was legal in all 50 states, many LGBT couples in Florida flocked to the courthouses, altars and everywhere else they could to get hitched. For the younger couples, there was not much to worry about, at least not any time soon. But older gay couples who are […]

Factoring Debt Into Your Estate Planning

until debt tear us apart

Statistics show that the average middle income person in Florida around age 50 carries more debt than ever before. This can be a challenge when they pass away and their estate is divided. Though debt collectors cannot go after survivors to collect unpaid liabilities, they can get the unpaid funds from assets in your estate. […]

What Are The Legal Requirements For Wills In Florida?


Considering the important role they play in allowing you to control how your assets are distributed after your death the legal requirements for wills are not as complex as you might imagine. All states, including Florida, have laws specifying the rules for testamentary capacity and legal capacity that must exist for a will to be […]

Why Would I Need To Change My Will?

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Your will is one of the most important documents you will ever draft. It dictates what happens to your estate when you pass away and ensures the proper heirs are given their inheritance. Some residents in Florida may think writing their will is just a “fix it and forget it,” type of document. However, there […]