Guardianship Cases Shows Hallmarks Of Estate Planning Concerns

Estate and Trust Administration

Readers in Palm Beach Gardens may be interested in a recent court ruling touching on the issue of guardianship where Alzheimer’s disease may be a factor. While the court decision comes from Guam and has no formal legal precedent in the United States, its reasoning may be of some import to judges in this country […]

Story Of Rosa Park’s Estate In Probate Demonstrates Need For Early Estate Plan

Estate and Trust Administration

When Rosa Park’s passed away in 2005 at age 92, she had a small estate but left an enormous and indelible mark on history. Before her death, Rosa Park’s created an estate plan that assigned all of her personal belongings to a charitable organization called the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self-Development. A close […]

Jackson’s Bankrupt Estate Turned Profitable, Execs Pay Increased

BFM Law | Probate, Estate Planning and Trust Attorneys, Palm Beach Gardens

When it comes to estate planning in contemplation of that journey everyone must take, it is as important to think about estate administration which will occur after you have gone. Determining where your assets will go and on what terms is not the only consideration that needs to be made. Especially for wealthier individuals, the […]

Adult Guardianship Could Benefit Your Family

father and downs syndrome child

If you have a disabled relative or elderly family member in Florida who requires assistance to preserve their health, you may want to consider gaining guardianship or conservatorship so that you are able to make critical decisions for that person. Some elderly individuals give power of attorney to a relative as they age, but some […]

New Changes To Florida’s Uniform Transfers To Minors Act

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The Uniform Transfers to Minors Act allows for a parent or other adult to create a custodial account for gifts, bequests, and other transfers of assets to a minor. In addition to money, a UTMA account can hold other types of assets for the minor, including real estate, royalties, fine art, and patents. The account […]

Establishing A Preneed Guardian

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Couples in Florida would be wise to have a contingency plan for just about everything, not under the expectation that the worst will happen, but to be prepared in case it does. One such plan should be a preneed guardian for both yourself and your children. This is a hugely important document that should not […]

Digital Assets After Death

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Many years ago, in a world some can barely remember, computers didn’t exist. If you had important documents, they were handwritten or typed and scattered throughout file cabinets and safes. When someone died, the person in charge of the estate had the unenviable task of locating all of these papers. Now, in the digital world, […]

Divorce Doesn’t Automatically Change Designated Beneficiaries

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Birth and death. The two defining moments that mark the beginning and end of life. But many other events can happen between those two events that can have life-changing consequences. Marriage and divorce are two of those. With this in mind, the Florida legislature is taking steps to help avoid some of the estate planning […]

What Is The Purpose Of A Florida Living Will?

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A concern shared by many Palm Beach County residents is to be able to control decisions about the health care they receive and end-of-life decisions in the event they are unable to make them for themselves. State assists them by recognizing the right of a person to prepare a written declaration in which they appoint […]

Understanding How Estate Probate Works

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When you have built a sizable estate during your lifetime, the last thing you want is for the state of Florida to decide how it will be divided. As such, it is important to have an estate plan in place to avoid estate disputes and other issues. If your estate plan is well-structured and notarized, […]