Disagreements among family members concerning the distribution of property or the decedent’s true intentions are emotionally difficult.
We balance financial aspects of litigation with the emotional issues that can motivate familial litigants.
Bill Boyes, John Farina, and Peter Matwiczyk are probate and trust litigators. They are not estate planning attorneys practicing outside their expertise and experience. Each of the Partners has successfully litigated hundreds of estate and trust disputes.
You have a problem. We are problem solvers. Every solution begins as a conversation. You talk. We listen. From here, we begin.
Balance the financial aspects of the litigation with the long-term personal issues that can motivate familial litigants.
Thoughtfully address the issue at hand as well as the broader long-term ramifications of decisions involving fiduciary powers.
Resolving tax issues requires litigation in either the US Tax Court, the United States District Court, the United States Bankruptcy Court, or the United States Court of Claims.
Assist those who would become personal representatives and their personal injury counsel.
Skilled mediators with years of experience working to resolve matters involving family members.
Execute a combined litigation and business strategy designed to ensure your rights are protected during the formation and growth of your company.